
Step by Step Instructions

  • Step 1: Detach the remote from the deployable base by pulling on it. This action should automatically power up both the remote (indicated by a blue screen) and the deployable base (which lacks visible indicators of being on).

  • Step 2: Place the deployable base with the measuring wheels onto the conveyor belt adjacent to the one being measured. Maintain a distance of only an inch or two between the front of the deployable base and the desired conveyor belt for measurement.

  • Step 3: Fully extend the wheels and place them onto the conveyor belt to be measured.

  • Step 4: Briefly jog the conveyor belt to ensure that the wheels are perfectly parallel, ensuring the most accurate measurements.

  • Step 5: Press the button on the remote to "Zero" the current distance reading. This button serves only this function and should be used throughout the process.

  • Step 6: Initiate the calibration process by jogging the conveyor belt a desired distance (with direction of belt movement going away from device). Once the conveyor belt stops moving, the recorded distance is transmitted to the remote.

  • Step 7: When finished, push the wheels back into the deployable base and reattach the remote to the front. The device will power off at this point.


For typical usage, charging the device once every two weeks should suffice. If using the device frequently, you might need to charge it more often. The package includes a 5V charger and a barrel jack adapter. When the caliveyor is connected to power, a red LED will light up to indicate that it's in the 'charging' state. Once fully charged, a blue LED will illuminate to indicate completion.


  • If the device does not work after pulling off remote: Try reattaching the remote, waiting 10 seconds and then pulling remote off again.

  • If the device is still not working: Attempt charging the device as it might be out of power. You can retry after 30 minutes or wait until the visible blue LED indicates a full charge.

  • If the remote is operational (with a visible blue screen) but no data appears after jogging the conveyor belt: Try inserting the wheels back into the enclosure and extending them to their full length to reengage the data pins.

  • If you continue to experience issues with your device: Reach out to our support via email at: We are committed to providing swift assistance. Please have the serial number, located on the top of the device, available for reference.

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